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Downloading big websites from Web Archive


If there is more than 1000 archived files, Web Archive can ban your IP address when you'll try to download them, even when you trying to retrieve the whole list of archived URLs.So there is a sense to optimize URL retrieving and downloading process.

Step 1: Find website in Web Archive ( and choose optimal year.

Step 2: Set first filter for retrieving archived URL the optimal year (you can find filter on toolbar. It's a drop-down with "Get all" default value).

Step 3: (optional): If count of archived files still more than 1000 files, you can download web-site part by part. Just set as a root URL a folder(s) of the website. (ex.: instead of "" as a root URL, "" then "").

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Article ID: 6
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2013-09-27 07:52:28
Views: 433
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (15)

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